Travelling is an exciting experience, but when you’re on a journey to a straighter smile with clear aligners, it’s essential to be prepared. While aligners are discreet and convenient, they require some extra attention while you’re on the move. But travelling with clear aligners doesn’t have to be hard!

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with these essential tips for a seamless journey.

1. Pack Wisely: Protecting Your Aligners

Packing efficiently is the first step to ensuring a smooth travel experience with your clear aligners. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Aligner Case: Always carry a designated aligner case. It’s a small, protective case that will keep your aligners safe when you’re not wearing them. These cases are compact and fit easily in your pocket or carry-on bag.
  • Travel Dental Kit: Invest in a travel-sized dental kit. This should include a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. Having this kit handy makes it easy to maintain good oral hygiene, especially after meals.
  • Backup Aligners: If you’re travelling for an extended period, consider bringing a backup set of aligners. This precaution ensures that you’re prepared if you lose or damage your current set.

2. Stay Hydrated: Keep Your Mouth Moist

Travelling often involves long flights, road trips, or other activities that can lead to dehydration. When your mouth gets dry, it can become uncomfortable with aligners. Here’s how to stay hydrated and comfortable:

  • Water Bottle: Carry a reusable water bottle and make it a point to drink water regularly. Staying hydrated also helps wash away food particles that might get trapped in your aligners.
  • Sugar-Free Gum and Mints: Sugar-free gum or mints can help stimulate saliva production, keeping your mouth moist. Just remember to remove your aligners before chewing gum.

3. Plan Your Meals: Dining on the Go

Dining while travelling can be a bit tricky with clear aligners, but it’s not impossible. Follow these guidelines:

  • Remove Before Eating: Always remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. This prevents staining and damage to your aligners.
  • Brush and Rinse: After you’ve eaten, find a restroom and brush your teeth thoroughly. If brushing isn’t possible, rinse your mouth with water to remove any lingering food particles.
  • Travel-Friendly Foods: Opt for travel-friendly foods that are easy to eat without your aligners, such as sandwiches, salads, or finger foods. This can make your dining experience more convenient.
  • Avoid Staining Foods: Be cautious with foods and drinks that can stain your aligners, such as coffee, red wine, and dark-coloured sauces. If you indulge, make sure to clean your aligners immediately.

4. Be Mindful of Air Travel: Security and Comfort

When travelling by air, there are a few additional things to consider:

  • Security Check: When passing through airport security, you might be required to remove your aligners. Ensure they’re in their protective case and placed in your carry-on bag for easy access.
  • Change Aligners Before Your Flight: If your aligners need to be changed during your flight, do it in the airport restroom before you board. This prevents any hassle during the journey.
  • Ear Pressure: If you experience discomfort in your ears due to air pressure changes, consider chewing sugar-free gum or swallowing to help equalise pressure. Just ensure your aligners are out before doing so.
clear aligners for traveller

In conclusion, travelling with clear aligners is manageable with some preparation. By packing wisely, staying hydrated, planning your meals, and being mindful of air travel, you can have a seamless journey to a straighter smile.

Ready for the confidence that clear aligners can offer? Book your consultation today.

If you’re considering clear aligners for your orthodontic needs or have any questions about your smile journey, Australian Smile Clinics is here to help. Schedule a consultation and discover the path to a more confident and beautiful smile. Safe travels!